Changing the World for the Better

by Kristin Frazier

In 2017, 589 volunteers at CCUA worked 2,958 hours.

Think about that for a moment.

589 people gave their time and talent to CCUA, helping to install gardens, tend the Urban Farm, educate children, ensure that our events run smoothly, and provide administrative support.

Thank you.

Thank you to all who have stepped up to help make CCUA what it is today!

In order to celebrate all of that hard work, here are some thoughts on volunteerism from our staff, board members, and volunteers.  If you would like to learn more about CCUA's volunteer program or sign up to help out, please visit our website for more information. 


Volunteering connects people to their community and helps build skills and self-confidence. Volunteers are essential to what we do here at CCUA, and by volunteering they become a part of the CCUA family. One of the best things about my job is the volunteer orientation. I get to show new volunteers the Urban Farm and talk about the impact of our programs. Many of the volunteers don't know about the different things we do until they come in for the orientation and it's really awesome to see people get excited about CCUA. I am always amazed by the volunteers’ commitment to our organization. I hope they feel a sense of accomplishment and feel appreciated because we really couldn't do it without them.   

(Justin Gregory, CCUA's Office/Volunteer Manager)


It’s important because…if you have the privilege of having free time, you should put it towards things that matter! (CCUA Intern Karthryn Kidd) 

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The gift of volunteering helps the giver as well as the receiver.  It’s hard to focus on your own personal challenges when focusing on giving time to another. (Lisa Guillory, CCUA Board of Directors)


Having volunteers on the farm is a way to involve the community in our efforts to increase fresh vegetable consumption.  It’s a great place for diverse people to interact.  it is the exceptional person who comes to us as a volunteer…the volunteers always have enthusiasm, even in the heat and cold, and many of them are just as passionate as the employees. (Lori McCurdy, CCUA's PLANTS Program and Outdoor Classroom Manager)


It’s rewarding.  I feel good when I do something...I get joy.  At my age it makes you feel like you are accomplishing something, like your life is being fulfilled. (CCUA Volunteer Nona Carr)

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I volunteer because it makes me feel part of a greater group and puts me in touch with people and ideas I might not otherwise experience.  It is, in simplest terms, another connection to your friends, neighbors and community.  It helps to make us citizens. (Robbie Price, CCUA Board of Directors)

OG volunteers

New Beginnings


Building Happy Soil For A Happy Garden