Therapy Gardens

A Whole Health Approach


The Therapy Gardens Program uses principles of horticultural therapy to enhance treatment of drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.


Once a week during the growing season, CCUA staff and therapists at Phoenix Programs host therapeutic gardening sessions with patients receiving treatment at Phoenix House. CCUA brings all necessary gardening supplies to each visit and lead patients in gardening activities like planting and harvesting while emphasizing mindfulness and nutrition. Therapists guide discussions and draw parallels between caring for the garden and caring for ourselves. The vegetables are used for cooking activities.

The vegetable gardens are beautiful and peaceful places, improving outdoor areas and encouraging patients to enjoy nature whether they are maintaining the vegetables, smelling the flowers or simply relaxing.

In the future we hope to expand our partnerships to work with other drug and alcohol treatment centers.

Participants Say:


“It’s a blessing and it was done with love.”


“I felt more connected to life.”


“I enjoyed watching everyone else enjoy themselves putting in the time, hard work, and care.”


For questions or to get involved, please contact Matthew Dolan


Thank you to our partners and funders: